Monday, May 19, 2008

May 18th -- A ride on Vic's tractor

What a gorgeous day! We just had to finish it with a ride... but since we were heading out for an evening ride, I knew I couldn't take the Hussy. I don't have that class 6 licence yet, can only ride between dawn and dusk. Anyway, I thought it was time to pay attention to Vic's approach to everything from lane position to changing gears and turning corners.

He's been on his own lately, and found it rather different having a passenger again. But it was a great experience for both of us. We toodled up to Parksville, partly on the highway, and then enjoying some of the beautiful back roads.

Mom took a few pictures before we started out, and since it was so warm out, I didn't need to wear a turtleneck or anything and decided to go for the 3/4 helmet instead of the full-face job. That felt so delicious. Even on the way home, when it was decidedly cooler, I still wasn't cold.

The temperature is dropping again though and rain is in the forecast. We'll have to have a quick morning run and then may not get back out on the bikes until Wednesday when the forecast improves.

I think my mom would like nothing better than to be out riding again... but she hasn't been on a bike (other than as a passenger) since the late 50's or early 60's. Still, the longing is there. I sure understand!

1 comment:

Rita said...

Nice post Josée. I enjoy reading it. Brings me into temptation. My heart longs to be in charge on one of them. But I know better.
