Sunday, May 4, 2008

May 4th -- A Yummy Riding Day

Now that's what I'm talking about... what a day! We rode all the way into the North end of Nanaimo... stopping at Serious Coffee, of course. I thought we could perhaps find a motorcycle course happening on Hammond Bay at the high school, but no sign of anyone there. We sure tried lots of back streets, and found some gorgeous back roads too.

Yesterday's ride is still fresh as we head out today, and I feel much more comfortable and confident. My turns are cleaner too, and yes, I'm remembering to shoulder check. Vic is telling me to make the wide apex turns and I'm trying to improve. My thing is to make sure I'm in the clear no matter what. And how cool is this: we rode to visit Lilach and Ron and their little boy, and they were duly impressed!

It's a totally different experience riding the lead. I'm excited about this, but nervous too when I'm in heavier traffic, or when we're on an unfamiliar winding road. And speaking of a winding road, there's a delicious one between Maple Bay and Genoa Bay. Yes, that's right... we rode the northern route for part of the day, and then turned around and road south. Vic joked that this was my very own little version of a dragon's tail. It may not seem much to some others, but I spent a good six hours on that beautiful bike today.
I have to admit that by the time we were on the last half hour of this day's ride, my right knee was aching with cold, my ears were sore under my helmet, my right thumb was starting to bug me. I didn't really want to stop riding, but my old body said: ENOUGH. Vic, on the other hand, took off again almost as soon as we got home. He didn't get enough speed out there with me today... just a short burst of highway travel for the two of us earlier. I'm thinking I'd like a windscreen on my baby. I wouldn't mind warmer riding clothes either.
Oh and one other very exciting and silly little thing... I ran out of gas and switched to the reserve and got to the station without having to stop my bike this time. See, I'm finding things easily now! Yeeehaw!

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