Friday, May 16, 2008

Flo's Conga Ride from Florida to Canada

I'm delighted with the forums I belong to: Women Who Ride and Vancouver Island Lady Riders (Delphi Forums). I've been given the greatest encouragement here, as well as some extremely great advice from the women who ride. I found it difficult to relate to Vic and Stephen, though I rely on them hugely for instruction and protection when we ride. Both learned to ride as young men. As a grandmother, learning at this stage, I wanted some female role models. I found them. I want to celebrate them here too.

Let me introduce you to Flo. She started riding three years ago, and she's now 53 years young. She's picking up the new love of her life in Florida, and she will be riding her "La Reina Queen" all the way to Campbell River on Vancouver Island. But alone? Not really. She's going to have company almost every step of the way, and she's starting her ride with the best of the best: The Palladinos of Ride Like A Pro fame. Women from the forum (and some of their male partners too) will join her along the route, provide spare beds along the way, and generally help to make this an adventure of a lifetime with more support (thanks to the internet) than she could have dreamed. I'll be waiting for her with a lot of other island riders. WE LOVE YA FLO.

She arrived in Florida yesterday, and I just have to include a couple of pics. In the first, you see her with Donna Palladino at the airport. The next one is Flo meeting her queen. Does she look happy or what? Anyway, she has a blog too, so you can check that out if you like.

She should be arriving on Vancouver Island sometime between the 5th and 7th (personally, I hope it will be on the 6th). She's also going to take part in the Vancouver Island Ride for Breast Cancer. What a way to come home. We're all with her in spirit, and she, and Donna Palladino, and Willi, and Jenn the Dragon... they're the best role models I could hope for, and I'm lucky to be one of their number now. Yippee for me.

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