Monday, June 30, 2008

The Malahat is Easy to Ride

June 29th: Our Canada Day Ride

This was an awesome experience for me. To begin with, Vic and I met up with a few friends from the forum at the Husky Station, just 6 kilometers from our place. Ed, Carl and his wife, Lolis, and Mark and his son, Ross, were waiting when I got there, and since Vic was dealing with a customer, we had a brief wait for him to join us. The fun thing here is that these guys are called Cabana Boys on our Vancouver Island Lady Riders Forum. When it was time for us to head to Chemainus where we expected to meet Flo and Jenn (Draggie), Anna and Janice, I asked who was going to take the lead. The guys said: "we're your Cabana Boys, so you'll have to lead." And I did! I had a grin from ear to ear riding the highway with the three big motorcycles and Mark's spyder behind me. All of us had red shirts on, and flags on the bikes and we sure got some attention. I felt like the proverbial Queen Bee.

It didn't take long for us to see other bikes heading north as we wheeled south and we got big waves. Of course, concentrating on the ride and position of the bikes behind me, I wasn't quick enough to realize that one pair of riders waving at us belonged to Jenn and Flo. I was actually nervous about doing the Malahat. But that proved to be a very ridiculous fear because it was an easy and fun ride. Jenn actually posted about the ride on our forum, and I've chosen to copy and paste her entry here. She's right when she claims she's the only one who knows where we went. I can say that the twisties on the backroads out to Metchosin were far more difficult than that old Malahat. But they were a delight and had me constantly leaning my bike left and right. Thank goodness the Dragon wasn't hurrying through these twists and turns. We newbies would have crashed for sure. But she took great care of us.

Jenn's Report:

Alrighty then, guess I have to carry this on as I was the only one who knew where the hell we went!!!

Anyways started off with Roadie, Flo and I heading north to meet with the northern boys and the Chemainus Gals. We stopped in Duncan for gas and met the Victoria SCRC group. Many hugs and chatting then it was time to leave again.

The Victoria group pulled out before us and then the 3 of us headed north. We arrived at the meeting spot in Chemainus but the group was not there yet, so we decided instead of sitting still in the heat we would head towards them and circle back if they passed us. Sure enough we were almost to Ladysmith when this group of 4 bikes and a spyder all in red went by us. We whipped around and then met them at the origianal meeting spot. After waiting about half an hour both Anna and Janice joined us and it was time to go.

At this point we had: Myself in the lead, Jos, Janice, Flo, Vic, Gearjammer, Roadie, Blingos, Anna and Spydermark bringing up the tail for me. Awesome job Mark did for a group of misfits that never rode together before! We headed for Mill Bay and an Ice Capp break before heading over the Hat. A few of the newbies needed to psych themselves up for the trip.

At this point Roadie left us and headed home. The rest of us set a good pace and headed over the hat en route to Langford to meet others.

We arrived in Langford in an orderly fashion. Jos was bouncing out of her seat, so happy for conquering the Malahat! What the hell was the big ordeal anyways! Flo was still waiting to go over the Hat. We were met shortly by Wyz in her Ladybug as the pickle was being pissy as per usual (can anyone say that 5 times fast? I can barely type it!) Shortly thereafter we were joined by Tee, Gazelle and finally our baby, Mir. More hugs and chat all around then finally our Cabana boys needed to return northwards.


After this a few gals headed in their own direction and the remainder headed out on a ride. So at this point it was Vic and the Chicks!

I lead the group out the back end of Millstream road, to Munns and Prospect Lake then out to W. Burnside, picked up the Colwood Crawl and down to the Lagoon for a photo op. Beautiful day and scenery and nobody was ready to stop. So we continue out Metchosin Rd to East Sooke and Gillespie Rd Ending at the 17 Mile for a refreshment. Great Ride and everyone did awesome. You newbies are doing great and we Mother Hens are proud of ya!

We headed back into Langford and Mir headed off to her home at Jacklin road while the rest of us headed back up the Hat (yes Flo we did the Hat twice!!Little playing on the way up the hill but all in good fun.

Over all it was a great day, great ride and great company!

Thanks y'll for coming out to play on our little pre Canada Day ride!

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