Friday, June 13, 2008

Lucky Friday the 13th -- I ride alone!

I'm so delighted with myself. I rode into work again today, and I see the students looking at me with respect and even a little envy. We had a great morning, working on the beautiful art posters for next week's grad ceremony. Then we had a huge lunch delivered, Chinese food. We had guests, some parents, and the co-op employers and trainers to lunch and they stayed for the student awards ceremony. I was truly pleased that one of my students got an award for his artwork... though I was also disappointed one of the others did not get that award when I thought she deserved it too. I may just have to do a certificate for her myself! Another wonderful little tidbit about this day: I was given a new staff jacket. But this is supposed to be about my riding experience.

At the end of the school day I got onto my bike and headed for the north end of Nanaimo. I was about a quarter of the way down the highway when my bike ran out of gas. I had to switch to the reserve tank... but I was stunned. I had counted on getting to 130 miles on that last tank of gas, but actually only got 115 miles out of it. I'm hoping that changing my spark plugs will help. Golly, I did get 129 miles on the tank before. I was so glad that I was close to a gas station and could pull over into the left turning lane and get petrol quickly.

Once the tank was filled, I was able to blast along! Yep, blast is the right word. Traffic was pretty heavy, but I found that the freedom of riding alone made it even easier than it is when I've got to keep Vic or Vic and Stephen in mind as I change lanes.

It's a delight to pull into a parking lot, pull off my helmet, and see the reactions of people who just aren't expecting the rider to be a woman... let alone a woman my age. I had a delicious cappucino at Starbucks (Pat's gift for my birthday was a pre-paid Starbucks' card), and then went into the shopping centre hoping to exchange my phone (which I ended up not doing). Then I went to Canadian Tire to pick up new spark plugs for the Hussy. I have to admit that I even felt great pulling out my manual and going into the store to buy them for myself. After that it was time to go get my prescription filled. I had called Vic and told him I was in Nanaimo and he offered to come meet me there, but I really just wanted to do this trip solo all the way!

Traffic on the way home was even heavier than it had been going, but again, it seemed easier than ever. I can't begin to count the number of times I had to stop for lights and take off again, and all without any hesitation. My comfort level is definitely going way up, and there's a real sense of pride and freedom in riding on my own. Just writing about it here makes me want to go out again. Ah well, tomorrow morning I'll follow Vic's truck with my bike, help him set up for the Maritime Festival Craft Show, and then head home alone. I'll have time to clean the house and keep the studio open in the hope of some customers. More riding tomorrow. I'm happy!

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