Saturday, June 21, 2008

Saturday Morning Ride to Cranberry Farm

Today's ride was all too short. Vic was setting up for a small craft show at the Cranberry Farm and I followed in on the Hussy. She's pretty today because she got washed and polished yesterday afternoon. I parked her and walked round to help Vic with the booth, and soon Grant and Justine came out to see who had come on a bike. They sure liked her, and made me feel great about having brought her over. Justine told me they had dreams of having bikes by the time they're 40, but they can't see that happening, cause they're already 37 and really don't see how they can manage that within the next three years. I had to laugh, telling Justine: "I'm 57 and just started this year, so don't get rid of your dream... there's lotsa time."

Such a little ride, but at least I got out today.

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