Thursday, June 19, 2008

Riding to School

I managed to ride into school on Monday and Tuesday. Actually it started to rain on Monday, just as I was getting onto my Little Hussy, and I have to admit that I had a moment of "oh good grief, maybe I should take the truck," but then I thought about riding to meet Flo in the pouring rain and decided to go ahead and ride anyway. I was thinking about oil slicks and fresh rain, but decided not to let that hold me back. And as you know, seeing as how I'm writing about it, that wasn't a problem.

There's not a lot to say about these rather short rides, other than that I made them. However, on Tuesday I also had to go to my choir practice. We meet from 7 to 9 pm in Nanaimo, and I knew that the sun would not have set as I left there, so chose to take the bike for this too. The hilarious thing about this is that Stephen was worried. "Mom, it will be dark when you're riding home." I told him that isn't so. We have yet to hit June 21st, and the days are getting longer, not shorter, and since it has not been dark when I've left choir for a few weeks, I knew I'd make it home before dusk. "Yes, but Mom, it's at dusk that all the deer come out, and you need to be extremely careful." I started laughing, and said: "Hey, the umbilical chord has been cut." His answer: "Oh no it hasn't!"

In truth his warning was appreciated. I have to admit that I was really watching for the deer, though I didn't spot a single one. I found the ride home rather chilly, and windy too. But I had a great ride, good speed on the highway, though you really have to fight the wind on some of the longer sloping turns. It's all good experience and I'm proud of my independence. Stephen was relieved when I got home! Vic had not been worried at all, but then again, he's been riding with me a lot more than Stephen has lately, and he knew the chord had been cut.

It was fun walking into choir practice wearing my leathers and the chaps! And I know that I'm getting a reputation as one gutsy broad. Apparently the kids at school having been talking about me too. At the graduation banquet last night I heard that they'd wondered which of the teachers would have the courage to go out on the ziplines at WildPlay, and they'd decided that I'd probably do it because: "she's got guts." Nice to hear, and it makes me proud and happy to know that I'm not just existing, but I'm grabbing life with both hands and yelling wooohooo as I go!

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