Friday, April 25, 2008

March 9th Ride -- Twice the Distance

Well, that first ride was good, only a short one with a bit of parking lot stuff. The next was double the length. I rode out of the gravel driveway and onto the road all the way to the parking lot and then home again. Vic and Stephen both with me, and both having a little concern when I veered over the lines around a corner that I took a little too quickly. Oh the learning curve! But I felt good. I even managed to enjoy this ride home for most of it. Good grief, there's so much to think about. What gear am I in? I'm having to adjust to shoulder checking, and signalling and changing gear and braking or accelerating and all so different from a car. It's hard to have a moment to relax when every move is so full of thought! But I made it and felt good and knew I was actually learning.

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