Friday, April 25, 2008

March 8th... International Women's Day

It was a nice day here on Vancouver Island. My son had convinced us to put insurance on the bikes (he actually put 4 months on for us) because as he put it: "Mom, I didn't get you a bike to see it sitting in the barn."

I heard the delicious rumble of the pipes as the bikes came forward. My stomach started churning. What the hell had I been thinking? The guys, husband and son, were so excited and all I wanted to do was turn tail and run... puke, pass out, anything but get on that Honda Shadow. It didn't take long for Stephen to see the panic in his mother's eyes. I admitted my fear: "I've never been on this bike. I have no idea how she handles." The truth is I had two days on a 250cc Virago last November. The thought of riding a 600cc bike out of my gravel driveway.... oh my Gawd!

Stephen suggested that my husband ride the bike with me as passenger, and Stephen would follow on his, until I could get the feel for the bike in a parking lot about 5 km down the road. That's where we headed. I rode around a bit and got past the terror, and then rode home. First ride: 5 clicks. But hey, it was on International Women's Day and not a bad thing for a 57-year old grandmother to do to celebrate her own independence.

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